Craftsman shaping a wheel on a potter's wheel

Challenges and Solutions in Japan's Traditional Crafts

Japanese traditional crafts are highly valued both domestically and internationally, yet the industry faces several challenges. Particularly, the shortage of successors and the aging of craftsmen pose significant barriers to carrying this beautiful tradition into the future. In this article, we delve deeper into these challenges and the solutions being proposed.


 Mt.aso-Mount Aso

Challenge 1: Shortage of Successors and Aging

The aging process of traditional craftsmen is ongoing, and there is a shortage of new-generation successors. If there are no individuals to take over the skills, valuable techniques may be lost as craftsmen retire.


Challenge 2: Lack of Stable Income and Working Environment

Traditional craftsmen are not employees, thus they do not receive a salary for their labor. Even if they acquire the skills as craftsmen, there's no guarantee that it will lead to income. The absence of organizations offering stable income and social insurance continues to deter potential successors.


 Riverside of mino city

Solution 1: Successor Training Internships

Several internship programs are being implemented to nurture the new successors who will carry the future of the traditional crafts industry. These programs create new connections between students and traditional crafts regions, potentially facilitating the transfer of skills.

Solution 2: Job Sites Specialized in Traditional Crafts

Through job sites specialized in traditional crafts, movements to recruit successors and apprentices for craftsmen are observed. This allows for new connections between individuals interested in the traditional crafts industry and craftsmen.

Solution 3: Utilizing Traditional Crafts as Regional Resources

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is considering utilizing traditional crafts as regional resources, reflecting the government policy of capturing demand both domestically and internationally. This is expected to invigorate the regions and maintain and develop traditional crafts.


These solutions are crucial steps toward overcoming the challenges in Japan’s traditional crafts industry and passing down the beautiful tradition to future generations. For the continuous development of traditional crafts, further promotion of these initiatives and exploration of new strategies are necessary.


 kokuzo-kiln pottery

Our Initiative: International Recognition and Support for Japanese Traditional Crafts

Japanese traditional crafts, with their unique techniques and beauty, are loved by many people both domestically and internationally. Our initiative aims to spread this precious cultural heritage, and provide more support and opportunities to craftsmen. Furthermore, by strengthening connections with overseas fans and exploring new markets for Japanese traditional crafts, we aspire to secure stable income for craftsmen and promote sustainable development of the entire traditional crafts industry.

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