Yellow and Pink Maneki Neko

Beckoning Fortune Cat, "MANEKI-NEKO"

MANEKI-NEKO is considered to be a lucky charm that was developed in Japan during the Edo period.
There are several theories about the origin of MANEKI-NEKO.

The first story is that during the Edo period, when Naotaka Ii, the lord of Hikone, passed by Gotokuji Temple on his way home from falconry, a cat beckoned to him at the gate. When Naotaka Ii entered the temple and took a break, it started to rain, and as a token of his gratitude, Naotaka Ii donated a large amount of money to Gotokuji Temple. Believing that cats brought good luck to the temple, Naotaka built a grave for the cat and buried it there. Therefore, beckoning cats are said to bring good luck.

The second story is that during the Muromachi period, Dokan Ota, a military commander who had lost a battle, was wandering as he got lost, when a black cat appeared. It is said that Dokan Ota walked in the direction of the cat's beckoning and was led to a temple where he saved his life and won the battle that followed.

The third story is about an old woman who lived in Asakusa during the Edo period and gave up her beloved cat because she was poor. Then, the cat she had given me was at my grandmother's bedside, so she said, ``If you make your own doll, good luck will come to you,'' and she made a doll called Imado-yaki in the image of that cat. I placed "Imado ware" next to the Torii gate of Asakusa Shrine. There is also a theory that it became popular as soon as it was released.
In any case, it is considered to be auspicious in Japan.

There are several types of MANEKI-NEKO, and each seems to have different benefits.
MANEKI-NEKO with the right hand raised is a male cat and is said to bring luck with money, while MANEKI-NEKO with the left hand raised is a female cat and is said to bring luck with people. Different colors also seem to have different meanings.
White brings good luck and prosperous business. Black is a talisman to ward off evil spirits, misfortune, and protect your family, and red is a talisman to avoid illness and protect your health. Gold/yellow means increased financial luck. Pink color means success in love. Blue means academic success, career success, and road safety. Green means family safety and improved academic ability. Purple symbolizes health and longevity.

One theory is that MANEKI-NEKO loves people, so if you place it in a living room where people gather or in a hallway where people often pass, it is said to bring good luck.
Cats don't go to places in the house where people don't go to, such as closets or storerooms, so be careful not to place MANEKI-NEKO in such places. MANEKI-NEKO is said to bring good luck for 2-3 years.

Would you like to welcome "MANEKI-NEKO" into your home?

Lots of golden maneki neko in a row.
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