Seven Lucky Gods

Seven Lucky Gods

God is in everything

Since ancient times, we Japanese have felt that gods reside in everything around us. Japanese people still feel close to nature and gods, for example, going to Hatsumode on New Year's Day, praying to the god of learning when taking exams, and praying to the god of marriage when making a wish.
For a wonderful encounter. I live my life with this feeling.
In this issue, I would like to introduce the Seven Gods of good fortune/Gods of happiness, gods that bring good luck and are familiar to Japanese people.

What are the Seven Lucky Gods?

The Seven Gods of Good Fortune, as the name implies, are the seven blessing-giving deities that have been handed down in Japan since ancient times. These seven gods are called the Seven Lucky Gods.

The belief in the Seven Lucky Gods is said to have been spread by the great priest Tenkai, who opened Kan'eiji Temple in Ueno. It is said that the Buddhist belief that "seven blessings will arise if seven hardships are extinguished" led to the emphasis on the number seven. The seven afflictions are: sun/month disasters (sun and moon disasters), star disasters (star disasters), fire disasters, rain/water disasters, wind disasters, sunshine disasters, and evil deception (disasters caused by extremely wicked people).The deities that make up the Seven Gods of Good Fortune are Ebisu, Daikokuten, Bishamonten, Benzaiten, Jurojin, Fukurokuju, and Hotei.

Each of these deities is said to have a beneficial effect, and it is said that by making the Seven Lucky Gods Meguri, one can avoid the seven misfortunes and receive the blessings of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune.

The treasure ship of the Shichifukujin Meguri is a boat on which the seven gods of good fortune are said to be riding.This treasure ship sails from the sea to the sky on New Year's Eve and is believed to bring good fortune and prosperity for the year.

In this apanese mythology, when people believe that the treasure ship of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune will pass nearby, they may decorate their house entrances and windows with ship-shaped ornaments and pictures.
This custom is intended to receive blessings and invite good fortune at the beginning of the new year.


Seven Gods of Luck (七福神)

1. Ebisu (恵比寿)

Ebisu is the only Japanese god among the Seven Lucky Gods.
Ebisu has one foot on his lap and is often holding a sea bream or a fishing rod, representing a big catch. Ebisuten is the god of trade. For this reason, he is said to bring good luck for business prosperity.

2. Daikokuten (大黒天)

Daikokuten is originally said to be a Hindu god. Daikokuten, who is often seen, is holding a mallet. He is said to be the god of wealth and bring good luck.

3. Bishamonten (毘沙門天)

Bishamonten is said to be an ancient Indian god. Bishamonten is a god who was popular in ancient India and was later worshiped in China and Japan, as well as traveling around the world. Bishamonten is a god of protection, wears armor and carries weapons such as a spear. Bishamonten is said to be beneficial for luck with money and winning.

4. Benzaiten (弁財天)

She is originally said to be a Hindu goddess. She is characterized by her wearing a white snake crown on her head, a torii gate, and a biwa (Japanese lute), and she is the only female among the Seven Lucky Gods. It is said that she will bring good luck to improve your financial fortunes and prosper your business.

5. Jurojin (寿老人)

he is said to be a god from China. Juroji looks like an old man with a long white beard. In his hands, he holds a cane with a scroll attached to it, a peach, etc., and his head is very long. Jurojin is said to be the god of longevity.

6. Fukurokuju (福禄寿)

A god of longevity originating from China. He has a long head, long beard, and large earlobes, and holds a jewel in his left hand and a staff with a scroll tied to it in his right hand. It is said to have benefits related to longevity and moral character.

7. Hoteison (布袋)

Hotei's Son is famous as a rare example of a model based on a person who actually existed in China. The man is said to have been a Zen monk. His appearance is characterized by a bulging belly, large pouch, and a smiling face. It is said that the blessings include health, marital stability, and fertility.


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