Grilled 'Buri-Kama' Yellowtail Neck with Salt

Grilled 'Buri-Kama' Yellowtail Neck with Salt

Healthy salt-grilled yellowtail fish on the grill.

<Total time : 30 mins>

<Ingredients for 2 servings>

  • Yellowtail neck 'Kama' 1 piece
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon White wine
  • Grated radish (optional)


Step 1

Wipe the 'Kama' with kitchen paper. If there is a lot of blood on it, first wash it with water, wipe it off, then pour white wine on it.

Step 2

Sprinkle salt over the entire 'Kama'.

Step 3

Leave it for about 20 minutes until the excess water evaporates, then wipe it off with kitchen paper.

Step 4

Pour white wine on the 'Kama'.

Step 5

Grill the fish on a preheated fish grill over medium-high heat, skin side down. Be sure to use water to prevent fires.

Step 6

It takes about 60% time for the back side and 40% time for the front side. If it seems to be overcooked, adjust the heat, and when the skin is browned, it is done.

Grilled 'Buri-Kama'
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