Miso-nimono Saba (Mackerel)

Miso-nimono Saba (Mackerel)

This is "Saba no Miso-ni" (mackerel stewed in miso), a classic side dish during the cold season in Japan.

<Total time : 20mins>

<Ingredients for 2 servings>

Mackerel (4 slices) 300g
Hot water (for pre-treatment) as needed
1 piece of ginger
200 ml water
(A) 1 tablespoon soybean paste
(A) 2 tsp soy sauce
(A) 1 tablespoon sake
(A) 1 tablespoon mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)
(A) 2 tablespoons sugar

Step 1:

Peel and thinly slice the ginger.

Step 2:

Cut mackerel crosswise into the skin. Place in a pan of boiling water, quickly blanch, and drain on kitchen paper.


Step 3:

Place the mackerel in a frying pan, pour in the water and heat over medium heat.

Step 4:

When the water comes to a boil, remove the scum, add (A), cover with a drop-lid, and simmer over low heat for 10 to 15 minutes.

Step 5:

Remove the mackerel from the pan and place in a serving bowl. Simmer the remaining liquid over medium heat until thickened and pour over the mackerel.


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