Salmon and roe rice bowl

Rice seasoned and cooked with salmon and salmon roe (ikura)

This is a mixed rice dish using autumn ingredients. By grilling the salmon before cooking, it becomes a fragrant mixed rice with no fishy smell.

<Total time : 60 mins>

<Ingredients for 5 servings>

  • 3 cups of rice
  • 3 pieces of salted salmon
  • 1 tablespoon of sake
  • 100g of maitake mushrooms
  • 1 sheet of aburaage (deep-fried tofu)
  • 5 tablespoons of shirodashi
  • * Shirodashi is one of soy sauce varieties which is like white soy sauce with dashi flavor.
  • 3 tablespoons of mirin (sweet rice wine)
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
  • Some salmon roe (ikura) for garnish
  • Some shiso leaves for garnish


Step 1

Sprinkle sake on the salted salmon and let it sit for about 5 minutes before grilling both sides using a fish grill.

Step 2

Wash the rice, and then add shirodashi, mirin, and soy sauce. Fill with water up to the 3-cup mark of your rice cooker.

Step 3

Place the sliced maitake mushrooms and finely chopped aburaage and grilled salmon on top of washed rice, then cook using a rice cooker.

Step 4

After the rice is cooked, remove the salted salmon, take off the skin and bones, and return the salmon meat to the rice cooker. Gently mix it into the rice.

Step 5

Serve in bowls and top with salmon roe (ikura) and chopped shiso leaves to complete the dish.

Step 6

Enjoy your delicious salmon and salmon roe mixed rice with autumn flavors!

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