Salted chicken wing soup

Salted chicken wing soup

A soup that captures the rich flavor of chicken, offering a simple and gentle deliciousness.

<Total time : 30 mins>

<Ingredients for 4 servings>

  • Water: 1000ml
  • Chicken wingettes: 500g
  • Cabbage: 1/2 head
  • Cooking sake: 50ml
  • Salt: 10g
  • Garlic: A small amount
  • Coarsely ground black Pepper: A small amount


Step 1

Wash the chicken wingettes under running water. Once the water runs clear, place the chicken wingettes in a pot with 1000ml of water, 50ml of cooking sake, 10g of salt, and a small amount of garlic. Heat over high heat.

Step 2

Once it comes to a boil, skim off any scum, cover with a lid, and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

Step 3

Cut the cabbage into bite-sized pieces and add it to the pot. Cook for about 10 minutes.

Step 4

Plate them, and if desired, sprinkle coarsely ground black pepper on top. It's ready to serve!


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    Kutani Golden Hanazume Bowl

    "Hanazume" is a technique that was introduced to Kutani by the renowned craftsman Shiro Mizuta from Kanazawa during the Taisho era in Japan (1913). It features covering the surface of the vessel with various flowers and outlining their contours in gold. This design is distinctive, brightening up dining tables and representing the luxurious and splendid style of Kutani ware. Slightly deeper, this gorgeously designed bowl is ideal for serving fruit or confectioneries. It is a gorgeous complement to your tea time.