Japanese bowl

🥣What is a Japanese bowl called?

In Japan, a bowl is commonly referred to as a "hachi" or "bowl.


・The origin of the word "hachi

The word "hachi" refers to a vessel with a wide mouth and a wide base. A hachi, a traditional Japanese bowl, is relatively deep and has wide sides, so it has a shape similar to a bowl.
"Hachi" is a vessel that has been used for meals, ceremonies, and festivals since ancient times, and has been used for a variety of purposes such as stews, salads, and rice dishes. It is widely used as a container for serving food at home and in hospitality situations.
In ancient Japan, "hachi" was commonly used as tableware. It is believed that Western "bowls" also came to be called "hachi" in Japan because of their similar shape and function. In particular, from the time when earthenware and pottery were widely used, "hachi" was established as a vessel mainly for serving food.
Japanese "hachi" are made of various materials such as pottery, lacquerware, and wood. They come in a variety of shapes and designs and are used according to the type of ingredients and food.
Even in modern Japan, the word "bachi" is used when serving food. Vessels that serve as bowls can also be called bachi. In particular, the word "bachi" is still used in traditional Japanese food scenes and Japanese food culture.

🥣How to eat a Japanese bowl?

Miso soup or soup bowl
◼️How to hold
Hold the bowl with one hand and eat the ingredients with chopsticks in the other hand. When drinking soup, drink directly from the bowl.


◼️How to eat
When drinking soup such as miso soup, bring the bowl close to your mouth and drink. Use the chopsticks to eat the ingredients.


Rice Bowl
◼️How To hold
Hold the rice bowl with one hand and eat rice with chopsticks in the other hand. The hand holding the bowl should support the bottom of the bowl.


◼️How to eat
Pick up the rice with the chopsticks and bring it to your mouth. It is customary to eat while holding the rice bowl.


Donburi (Rice Bowls)
◼️ How to hold
Rice bowls are also held in one hand, with chopsticks in the other. Because donburi are large, they are rarely lifted and are often eaten while still on the table.

◼️ How to eat
Use chopsticks to pick up the ingredients and rice in the bowl and bring them to your mouth.

Eating etiquette

◼️ Don't make noise
Be careful not to make noise when picking up or putting down bowls or rice.


◼️ Lifting dishes
It is common to lift bowls of rice or soup such as miso soup to eat. However, large bowls (such as donburi) are often eaten without lifting them, while they are still on the table.


◼️ How to Use Chopsticks
Use chopsticks to bring ingredients and rice to your mouth. When drinking directly from the bowl, put the chopsticks down for the moment.


◼️ Stews and Salads
These are served in small or medium bowls and eaten with chopsticks. Sometimes the bowl is lifted, but sometimes it is eaten while still on the table.


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Small Bowl(kobachi)

Small Bowl(kobachi)

Rice Bowls(Chawan bowl)

Rice Bowls(Chawan bowl)

Serving Bowl