Sakazuki Cup

What is Sakazuki?

Sakazuki is a vessel that is deeply rooted in traditional Japanese culture and is often used in ceremonies and celebrations. It is characterized by its flat and shallow shape and is made of various materials such as ceramics and lacquerware. It has the meaning of a special vessel for drinking sake and as a cultural symbol.

What is Sakazuki for?

-Festivals and ceremonies:

 Since ancient times, sake has played an important role in religious ceremonies and celebrations. In these occasions, Sakazuki is used as a vessel for offering sake and has a sacred meaning.


-How to enjoy sake: 

Sakazuki is an established part of Japanese sake culture as a vessel for enjoying sake. The shape and material of sakazuki are designed to enhance the aroma and flavor of sake and to fully enjoy the taste of sake.


-Culture and aesthetics: 

Sakazuki is also highly regarded as a traditional Japanese craft, and its design, decoration and materials are imbued with a diverse aesthetic sense. Sakazuki is also considered an important tool, especially in the world of tea ceremony and art.


-Inheriting and creating traditions: 

Each sake brewery and craftsman creates their own unique sake ware, and while preserving tradition, new styles and designs of sake ware are born. In this way, the culture of sake and the culture of sakazuki are passed down through generations.


Sakazuki is not just a vessel to enjoy sake, but an important presence that embodies culture and aesthetic sense. The history and design of each sakazuki enrich the world of sake.

What is a Sakazuki Ceremony?

Ceremonies using sakazuki are performed in various ceremonies and celebrations rooted in Japanese tradition and culture. We will introduce the most important ceremonies and their contents.


💒Sakazuki at weddings: Sansankudo💒
This is a ceremony in which the bride and groom exchange sakazuki three times each at a Shinto wedding ceremony.
This ceremony symbolizes the bride and groom praying for each other's happiness and deepening their lifelong bond.


⛩️Offering Sake at Shrines and Festivals⛩️
This is a ritual of offering sake to the gods at shrines and festivals in sacred places.
Sake has sacred powers, and it is an important act to communicate with the gods and show gratitude.


🪅Sakazuki at New Year🪅
A ceremony of drinking sake to celebrate the New Year, especially the event called Kagami-biraki, is held during the New Year.
It is held to celebrate the beginning of the new year and to strengthen bonds with family and close friends.

🍵Sakazuki at Tea Ceremonies🍵
Sakazuki is also used to enjoy tea during tea ceremonies.
In tea ceremonies, there are unique etiquettes for how to select, hold, and drink from a sakazuki, and it is an important element in expressing courtesy and aesthetic sense.

How do I drink from a sakazuki?

This article explains the basic way to drink sake from a sakazuki (cup). How to use the cup is also an important element in enjoying sake.

Basic steps for drinking

1)How to hold the cup:

Hold the cup in one hand. Lightly support the bottom of the sakazuki with your fingers to give it stability. Placing your fingers on the outside of the sakazuki minimizes the effect of temperature.


2)How to pour:
When pouring sake, pour slowly and ritually. Especially on important or festive occasions, pour before the other person's sakazuki is empty.


3)How to lift:
When lifting the sakazuki, be aware of the light and ritualistic movement. Lift the sakazuki at the same time as the other person and bow your head as a toast.


4)How to drink:
It is customary to drink sake in one sip. Bring the sakazuki close to your mouth and drink it all in one gulp, or sip it a little at a time, savoring it.
Especially when drinking chilled, it is recommended to hold it in your mouth and drink slowly to enjoy the aroma.


5)How to taste:
Sake is best enjoyed for its aroma and flavor, so after holding it in your mouth, slowly spread it over your tongue to enjoy its flavor.
If you drink it warm, you can enjoy the sensation of warmth from inside your body.


6)How to place it:
When placing the Sakazuki, place it gently on the table. Be considerate of your surroundings and manners so as not to interfere with the other person's sakazuki.


Be considerate and pour as needed so that the other person's sakazuki does not go empty at the drinking party. At the drinking party, pour each other's cups with sincerity so that everyone can share the pleasure. These ways of drinking and manners are rooted in the culture and traditions of sake and are intended to give you a deeper understanding of the taste and enjoyment of sake.


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