Japanese rice bowls

Japanese rice bowls

🍚What is a Japanese rice bowl called?

In Japan, a "rice bowl" is commonly called a "chawan". A chawan is a bowl for eating rice and is used daily in homes and restaurants. There are the following 


・types of chawan

Rice bowl: This refers to a bowl used primarily for serving rice. It is also commonly referred to as a "rice bowl".


Chawan: In a broad sense, it includes not only rice bowls, but also tea cups for drinking tea and bowls used in tea ceremonies, but usually refers to a bowl for eating rice.

🍚How does one eat a Japanese rice bowl?

◼️How to hold it

When holding a rice bowl, support the bottom of the bowl with your left hand and use the chopsticks with your right hand. The basic rule is to hold the bowl in your hand and eat, not just leave it on the table. This makes it easier to get the food to your mouth.

◼️How to eat

Pick up a mouthful of rice with the chopsticks and bring it to your mouth. In between eating rice, pick up a side dish with chopsticks and eat it. It is common to alternate eating rice and side dishes.


◼️Placing the dishes

The rice bowl is usually placed at the front left. It is customary to place a bowl of soup (such as miso soup) on the front right.



Before eating, say "itadakimasu" (thank you for the food), and after eating, say "gochisousama deshita" (thank you for the food) to show your gratitude.


In this way, there are certain manners and customs for eating with a rice bowl in Japan, and following them will make eating more comfortable and enjoyable.

🍚Why do the Japanese eat rice every day?

📗Rice history

History of rice cultivation: Rice cultivation began in Japan during the Yayoi period (around the 3rd century B.C.), and rice became established as a staple food. Rice is well suited to the Japanese climate, and rice has been at the center of the Japanese diet throughout history.



Rice is central to Japanese food culture. The basic style of Japanese cuisine is "ichiju-sansai" (one soup and three side dishes), with rice as the staple food and soup and side dishes. This is the daily meal of the Japanese.

In many families, the habit of eating rice begins in childhood. This habit is passed down through generations.



Stable supply: Rice production in Japan is stable, and the price is relatively stable. This makes it possible to consume rice on a daily basis. Especially in rural areas, many families grow rice at home and are self-sufficient, so the habit of eating rice on a daily basis is deeply rooted.


〜In summary〜
The reason why Japanese people eat rice almost every day is due to a long history, tradition, culture, and economic background all working together. Rice is an indispensable part of the Japanese dining table, and this habit will continue in the future.


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Rice Bowls(Chawan bowl)

Rice Bowls(Chawan bowl)

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